Since the beginning of time hair has been a way to convey messages about who we are, what our status is and our individuality. There are some archetypal messages within the Black Community. Strength, diversity, flair, uniqueness, and style will always be synonymous with Black Hair.

“Crowning Glory”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
24” X 36”
When a Black woman gets her “hair did” it is said to be her crowning glory. She makes her statement. It could be for church, the club or work but whatever it is it is a special me. This is who I am. This is how you should see me, know me and relate to me. Whether it be black, blond, mahogany or green this is who I am. Know me. Love me. See me.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
16” X 20”
I am the colors of the earth. I can be a black as night or the highest yellow we have, but I tell you one thing…I can have whatever color hair I choose to have. I can have whatever style I choose to create. It will define who I am at that moment and when I feel like being something else, being someone else, that’s what you’ll see. I’m a DIVA.

“Puffs of Innocence”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
“16 X 20”
The innocent look of a child, of a Black child, speaks to us deeply. We see the potential and sometimes the heartache that is her future. But we start them out loving who they are, loving the fullness of their hair, and the blackness of their skin. But we have to do everything in our power to counter what she will be bombarded with every day through the media. She will pass that “baby doll test” because she will love who she is. She will know she is beautiful, smart and strong. It all begins with that puff of innocence.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
16” X 20”
He’s free and easy. He’s tailored and tight. We go through stages of long, short or bald, straight or curly. We can fade it, shave it, braid it or wave it. The hair could be perfectly coiffed or lose and natural. Whichever it is, it’s his style and she loves it.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
16” X 20”
It can be scratchy and wonderful, perfectly edged, jet black or salt and pepper. I love it.

“Naturally Curly”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
16” X 20” Embrace your Blackness beautiful woman. You are a queen. You are a goddess. Your coils whether tight or loose show the versatility of your style. You are proud of your natural curls, your thick locks, and your bushy crown. Never apologize. It is who you are.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
16” X 20”
Whether chemically induced, bought and woven or naturally occurring we can have the straight look too. Flip it, flaunt it, braid it, curl it, twist it or cut it, WE can do it all.

“Going Blonde”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
8” X 10”
Whether natural or from a bottle WE make it fun, fabulous and frankly beautiful!

“African Beginnings”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal, fabric, wood)
8” X 10”
This is where style and function began for US. WE feel it still within us. WE embrace our beginnings and show our connectedness, with pride.

“Man Style I”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber metal, wood, resin)
5” X 7”
Our men have had their own style, function and awareness of self from the beginning. Black Hair is not just for women. Our men take pride in their appearance and WE love it.

“Man Style II”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, plastic, resin)
5” X 7”
Black man, you’ve always had style. Make your statement, we’re listening.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, glass, metal, wood)
8” X 10”
When hair can be your identity, and anything works on you…that part.

“All Purpose Ponytail”
Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal)
11” X 14”
The Go To for any woman with the length to gather it up. But WE can make it elegant, sophisticated, tasseled, teased and coiffed. The ponytail can conjure sass, class and badass. Pull it up and go.

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber, metal, glass)
11” X 14”
Braided and braided again is second nature to us. Whether it’s braided up into a style or hanging free, colored a fiery red, blue or purple WE love our braids. No one can do it like us, no one.
$1,200 SOLD

Mixed Media (acrylic, fiber metal, fabric)
11” X 14”
Young or mature WE reach back to our origins for a look that gives us style, texture, neatness, coolness (both kinds) and identity. You can try to appropriate our style, but it will never be the same. Coils works for us for many different reasons.